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"A Wild Ride at Art Basel 2023"

Hey there! So, Art Basel hit the town, and let me tell you, it was like a tornado of excitement. Everybody's talking about it, and the traffic? Don't even get me started. But hey, it's time to swing open the doors to my gallery, where cool artists share space with my art.

Now, picture this: last-minute setups, and everything's going bonkers. The air conditioning decides to play hooky, and the outside feels like a sauna at a steam convention. Plus, those fancy light bulbs I bought? Apparently, they're Wi-Fi connoisseurs, and the Wi-Fi decides it's break time. Great timing, right?

But fear not! My squad – friends and teammates – come to the rescue. We're sticking tags on art, mixing welcome drinks, the DJ is trying to figure out the light bulb situation, the photographer is on a Wi-Fi mission, and people are starting to roll in. Forget the grand plan – we're rolling with whatever we've got.

And then, bam! The gallery is packed, and we can't wade through the crowd. Faces I recognize and many new ones too. Artists are on the hunt for that last-minute piece, and my crew is keeping things from falling apart. I see old art collector pals and newbies who just hopped on the art train. Writers, magazine folks, art critics – it's a melting pot of people.

I'm an introvert, mind you, trying to be a social butterfly. If you come up to me, though, talking about my art, I'm all yours. But man, it's a challenge giving everyone the attention they deserve. Art gets sold, people are having a blast – mission accomplished! Shoutout to my team: Maria and Aimee, you rock with guest duty. DJ, you spun my favorite tunes. Photographer, you're the real MVP. And of course, my favorite artists, my chosen fam and art collectors – you made this happen.

In the midst of the chaos, I took a breather to take it all in – the vibes, smiles, confused looks, and the happy ones. Grateful for this crazy ride we shared.

New ideas are buzzing in my head, and I'm pumped to create more, share more, and connect more. But first, a well-deserved chill day is on the horizon. I'll be back, batteries recharged, ready for more art and adventures. Big thanks to everyone who made Art Basel a wild, unforgettable journey. Until next time! Shoutout to the "Wild Peace" artists who exhibit their work alongside mine: Ian Fichman, Katelyn Kopenhaver, and Alejandro Piedra Barzaga. Huge thanks to the amazing team: Maria Sukhanova, Aimee Stolar, PH by Multi Marketing Managers, and DJ Francescos World. You guys are legends. Much Love, Liora Redman


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