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I am a single mom, a member of the LGBTQ+ community, and a woman in the art business. These identities have not always made my path easy, but they have given me a unique perspective and a drive to create change through my art.

The financial struggles of being an artist are real, but I will never let that stop me from pursuing my passion. I know that my art has the power to inspire and uplift, to bring joy and healing to those who need it most.

So to those who may dismiss art as unimportant, I urge you to open your eyes and your heart. Take a moment to appreciate the beauty that surrounds you, to connect with the emotions and ideas expressed through art. And when you see an artist pouring their heart and soul into their work, remember that they are doing it for you.

As an artist, I speak my truth in every creation. I am driven by the need to find the match, to express the thoughts and emotions that swirl within me. It is a constant struggle to balance the weight of my own sensitivity with the desire to connect with others through my art. I have given up so much in order to create. I have sacrificed time, money, and even relationships to pursue my passion while raising kids by myself. But I know that my art is not just for me. It is for you, for anyone who needs it, for anyone who can find meaning in it. Even for those who think the art gives nothing to them. Nothing is something.

It can be frustrating when people dismiss art as unimportant or unnecessary. They may not realize that everything they see and experience in the world is touched by art in some way. From the clothes we wear to the buildings we inhabit, art is all around us. Without it, life would be dull and lifeless. You don't see the artists as first responders. We may not be physically helping to save lives, but we may help someone to feel mentally safe through connection to our art. We help someone to find themselves, express themselves, and be heard and seen.

As an artist, I am proud to be part of a community that includes doctors, teachers, and other important professions. We all have our roles to play in society, and art is just as vital as any other. Yet, it can be disheartening when people don't seem to value what we do. But I won't let that stop me. I am here, fighting through the challenges of life, standing with other minorities and underrepresented groups. I know that my art has the power to connect with others, to inspire and uplift them.

So I urge you, see me, hear me, support me, and other artists like me. Don't wait until it's too late to realize the importance of art in our lives. We are all one, and together we can create a more accepting and humble world.


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